Blogger Widgets Dhinna Liezantica: Wise Word

Senin, 04 November 2013

Wise Word

Find much wide word in here!

1.      "If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving!”
2.      “Never keep love a secret, you never know who’s dying to hear those words from you.”
3.      “Everything you need comes to you in perfect time, space, and sequence.”
4.      “I don’t know what’s going on in your life right now, all I know is that I’m going to keep waiting, having faith that you’ll come back for me.”
5.      “Keep yourself busy in remembering your faults, so that you have no time left to remember the faults of other.”
6.      “Dreams like a stars. You may never touch them, but if you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny.”
7.      “Always remember that pain makes people change. So don’t hurt them if you won’t them to change.”
8.      “Never hate people who are jealous of you, but respect their jealousy. They are the ones who think that you’re better that them.”
9.      “When you’re happy, you remember the one you love. When you’re sad, you remember the one who loves you.”
10.  “It’s easy to love somebody when everything is wonderful, the proof of somebody’s love is that they still love you when everything is awful.”
11.  “When life gives you a hundred reasons to break down and cry, show life that you have a million reasons to smile and laugh.”
12.  “We should learn to accept situations in life. This attitude of acceptance is the secret to happiness.”
13.  “The awkward moment when your kindness is mistaken with flirting.”
14.  “When I say: ‘I’m okay’, I want someone to look into my eyes, hug me tight and say: ‘I know you are not’.”
15.  “Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.”
16.  “When your time is good your mistakes are taken as a joke. But when your time is bad, even your jokes are noticed as mistakes.”
17.  “Don’t trust too much, don’t love too much, and don’t hope too much. Because that too much can HURT!”
18.  “It’s better to have an ENEMY who honestly says they hate you than to have a FRIEND who’s putting you down SECRETLY!”
19.  “My past says: you met me. My future says: you will care for me. My present says you understand me. But my heart says: You will always love me.”
20.  “Sometimes, to get someone attention, you have to STOP giving them yours.”
21.  “I love it when you grab me in your arms.”
22.  “Never make yourself feel like nothing. To make someone else feel like everything.”
23.  “One important key to success is self-confidence. And important key to self-confidence is preparation.”
24.  “Don’t be upset if you choose wrong people sometimes, because without choosing them, you will never realize the true value of the right ones!”
25.  “Sometimes I keep my feelings to myself, because it’s hard for someone else to understand.
26.  “Don’t fall in love with the same person twice, second time you’ll only love the memories.”
27.  “Why I am afraid to lose you? When you are not even mine.”
28.  “My painful personal thought: I always try to keep everybody all the time. But nobody recognises me when I’m alone.”
29.  “Relationship don’t need promises, terms, and condition. It just needs two wonderful people; one who can trust and one who can understand.”
30.  “Find someone worth your tears, worth your laughter, worth your heart and that loves you as much as you love them.”
31.  “I don’t pray for GOD to take  away my problems, I pray only for God to give me the strength to go through them.”
32.  “Money should be used, and people loved. Instead money is loved, and people used.”
33.  “We only see two sides of people: what we wanna see and what they show us, but we hardly see what they really are.”
34.  “Sometimes, love is like a song. That you didn’t understand the words, but it’s melogy goes straight to the heart.”
35.  “I’m tired of being just me, I wanna be yours”
36.  “Sometimes, it’s better to let go people from your life, to help them understand your value and importance the future.”
37.  “No matter how much you flirt the whole day. At night, you’ll always end up thinking about the one you truly love.”
38.  “The words bestfriend never have the same nature, the simply just have the best ‘understanding’ of their ‘differences’.”
39.  “Makepeaces with who you are , accept what you have, stive to be better tomorrow than you are today.”
40.  “The very worst disadvantage of being too strong is that nobody cares even when you are hurt.”
41.  “Life and time are great ‘TEACHERS’. Life teaches you the use of the time, and time teaches you the VALUE of the life.”
42.  “I don’t need lot of people who are ready to cry when I die. I just need that one person who is ready to die when I cry.”
43.  “Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerfull the one with all facts.”
44.  “They say love is forever, you foreveris all that I need.”
45.  “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way. No man is rich enough to buy back his past.”
46.  “Nobody is worth your tears, and the one who is won’t make you cry.”
47.  “Being strong isn’t a life style. Being strong is standing up for yourself when everyone else is trying to put you down.”
48.  “If you’re RIGHT then there is no need to get angry. And if you‘re wrong, then you don’t have any right to ANGRY.”
49.  “Life is not about how big your problems is. It’s about how smart you deal with it.”
50.  “Your mind is your great friend. If you control it, but your mind is your greatest enemy if it controls you.”
51.  “If you can say that you have never failed, I can say that you never tired.”
52.  “Some say, you dont know what you have until you lose it. But the fact is... you always know what you have, you just never thought you would lose it.”
53.  “I trust you blindly, but please never prove me a blind.”

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