Blogger Widgets Dhinna Liezantica: GEDUNG PUSAKA

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016


selamat siang! kali ini saya akan memaparkan penjelasan mengenai Gedung Pusaka di Museum Prabu Geusan Ulun Sumedang dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. baiiiikkkkkkkk.... langsung saja gan sist. :D hehehe

Gedung Pusaka is the fifth building of six buildings in Museum Prabu Geusan Ulun as a new building. Appropriate with its name as a special place, the function of this building is for keeping heritage things from Sumedang’s forefather.
Gedung Pusaka was built, because in that era Gedung Gendeng as a place for keeping heritage things has not adequate, so with permission by Hj. Ratjih Natawidjaya, Prof. DR. Ginanjar Kartasamita’s mother, planning of Gedung Pusaka implementable involve with Yayasan Pangeran Sumedang, Rukun Wargi Sumedang, Sumedang’s department of education and cultural, Sumedang’s Department of Tourism, Sumedang’s government and museum organization of West Java.
            At 25 March 1990 the building of Gedung Pusaka has started and Mrs. Hj. Ratjih Natawidjaya is the first person who is putting the first stone. This process need long time about 7 years, it has done in 1997, and then has legitimated by Bupati Sumedang Mr. Drs. H. Moch. Husein. Jachjasaputra. The coast of Gedung Pusaka beside on contribution from Province TK. 1 West Java, people of Sumedang has contribution too. One of contribution is from Sanggar Seni Sumedang “Padepokan Sekar Pusaka” management by Rd. E. Lesmana Kartadikoesoemah (defunct).

Name: Dhinna Liezantica A’nnur M

Note: untuk tulisan Gedung Pusaka nya bisa di ganti dengan Pusaka's Building yaaa. selamat belajar ^^

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